Why Bird Proof Your Solar Panels?

When birds decide to call the space under your solar panels home, they're not just seeking refuge or making an annoying noise —they're potentially causing a series of significant issues for homeowners:

  • Impact on Energy Production: Birds and their droppings can cover solar panels, blocking sunlight. This layer of grime can significantly reduce the amount of electricity your panels generate, meaning less power for your home and potentially higher utility costs as a result.

  • Ongoing Cleaning and Maintenance: Anyone who's dealt with birds nesting under their solar panels knows the drill—regular cleaning is a must to remove droppings and nests. This isn't just an inconvenience; it can also lead to unexpected expenses, whether you're climbing up to clean the panels yourself or hiring professionals to do it.

  • Risk to Your Property: Bird droppings are highly acidic. Over time, they can corrode metal and degrade roofing materials, including the frames of your solar panels and the roof tiles themselves. Nests can also block gutters and downspouts, leading to water damage.

  • Health Considerations: Where there are bird droppings, there's a risk of disease. These droppings can harbor bacteria and fungi harmful to humans. In dry conditions, particles can become airborne and pose a risk to you and your family's health..

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  • We Care: Your home matters to us. We treat it like our own.

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white cloud under clear sky
white cloud under clear sky